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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Creighton Model (CrMS)?

In CrMS, fertility is observed as a part of health, not disease. It is a system that is specifically not a natural contraceptive. It is a true method of family planning.. a method that can be used in two ways - to achieve as well as avoid pregnancy. 
The CrMS is a system focused on knowing and understanding the naturally occurring phases of fertility and infertility. Through this understanding, the couple is able to make decisions regarding the achievement or avoidance of pregnancy. It is the only system that provides information dealing with the complete dimensions of the procreative ability. In addition, it provides women the added benefit of being able to monitor and maintain their procreative and gynecologic health over a lifetime. CrMS teachers are trained allied health professionals."  (The CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare System, Book I, Hilgers et all, 2017)

What can CrMS and NaProTECHNOLOGY help with?

  • Achieving Pregnancy

  • Avoiding Pregnancy

  • Irregular Cycles

  • Long or Short Cycles

  • Infertility

  • Anovulatory or Oligoovulatory Cylces

  • Dry Cycles

  • Luteal Phase Defects

  • Repetitive Miscarriage

  • PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

  • Menstrual Cramps

  • Premature Birth Prevention

  • PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease)

  • Endometriosis 

  • Avoiding pregnancy during perimenopause

  • Avoiding pregnancy while breastfeeding

  • Irregular or Abnormal Bleeding

  • Postpartum Depression/Anxiety

  • Other Medical Problems - Find more information about NaProTECHNOLOGY

How Effective is The Creighton Model?

To achieve a pregnancy: Conception will occur 76% of the time in the first cycle of using a defined day of fertility.  By the 6th cycle, 99% of couples have achieved pregnancy.

To avoid a pregnancy:  The FertilityCare™ System is over 99% effective in avoiding pregnancy when properly taught by a qualified teacher and then correctly applied (perfect use). In a peer-reviewed journal article, the typical use effectiveness was found to be 96.8% to avoid pregnancy*. This means the Creighton Model is among one of the most effective forms of family planning available.  

With infertility: 20%-40% of couples will achieve pregnancy with the FertilityCare™ System only, using fertility-focused intercourse.  Up to 80% will conceive with additional cooperative medical assistance.   

*Journal of Reproductive Medicine, June 1998

How do I get started with Creighton Model FertilityCare (CrMS)?

You can contact one of our Fertility Care Practitioners for an Introductory Session to get started with CrMS. NaProTECHNOLOGY was born out of the Creighton Model FertiltyCare System (CrMS) and many NaPro doctors will not see a client until she has charted at least one full menstrual cycle (or 30 days whichever is shorter) using CrMS.  The standardization within CrMS allows NaPro doctors to quantifiably categorize specific biomarkers and then use those categories to assess, diagnose and treat medical conditions.  You can seek a referral to a NaPro doctor through your Creighton Practitioner.

Do I have to be Catholic to learn CrMS?

Groesbeck FertilityCare Center is founded on the understanding that we are all made in the Image and Likeness of God - Male and Female. Each of the Practitioners at Groesbeck FCC actively practices their Catholic Faith and teaches CrMS in accord with the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and Catholic Moral Tradition. You do not need to be Catholic to learn CrMS at Groesbeck FertilityCare Center, but we think it is important that all of our clients understand the philosophy and moral principles that guide our teaching.


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