Our Philosophy
The Gospel of God's love for man, the Gospel of the dignity of the person and the Gospel of life are a single and indivisible Gospel. - Evangelium Viate
Groesbeck FertilityCare Center is founded on the understanding that God made man in His Image and Likeness - male and female He created them. As such, we acknowledge, in all that we do and say that all humans are created with "dignity as a person who is endowed with a spiritual soul and with moral responsibility and who is called to beatific communion with God." Donum vitae
Groesbeck FertilityCare Center exists to provide True Women's Health to women with FertilityCare that fully adheres to Catholic Moral Teaching as set forth by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and its Tradition. We are here to serve women throughout their entire procreative lives and to teach them to appreciate their fertility as a gift from God.