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Getting the Most Out of Your Follow-ups

After the Introductory Session, clients are usually feeling excited about the information they have just learned, a little overwhelmed,...

Avoiding Pregnancy and Trusting in God

Trusting in God is hard. For me, at least. It can feel easier to trust in our own plans and desires for our lives, rather than in God's....

Demystifying NFP Jargon Part 2

There are so many NFP terms that I have decided to create a part 2 to explain more NFP jargon. Let's jump in!

Where to Seek Healing

I am writing this blog (or at least beginning to write it) from the cry room of my parish’s church. After another fast and furious Monday...

De-mystifying NFP Jargon Part 1

There are many terms and acronyms associated with Natural Family Planning. For starters, you've got NFP as well as TTC, TTW, TTA, BBT,...

Tenacity and NFP

If you've used any method of NFP, particularly Creighton Model, for any length of time, I don't think you'll argue with me that there is...

4 Ways Your Vacation Can Mess Up Your Chart

There are 4 ways your vacation can mess up your chart. Find out what they are and how to deal with them.

Summer Charting

It’s the day after Memorial Day, which means summer has officially started! And while I am a huge fan of long, lazy summer days with a...

The Spark of Life Chemistry

The spark of life highlights the beauty in God’s creation from the very beginning of life.

Blog: Blog2
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