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Getting the Most Out of Your Follow-ups

After the Introductory Session, clients are usually feeling excited about the information they have just learned, a little overwhelmed,...

Where to Seek Healing

I am writing this blog (or at least beginning to write it) from the cry room of my parish’s church. After another fast and furious Monday...

Summer Charting

It’s the day after Memorial Day, which means summer has officially started! And while I am a huge fan of long, lazy summer days with a...

The Dreaded Question

It’s no secret that there are a lot of particular and personal questions a FertilityCare Practitioner asks a client during a follow-up....

Motivation Matters

On behalf of all the wonderful FertilityCare Practitioners at the Groesbeck FertilityCare Center, happy New Year’s! As fate would have...

Finding Joy Amidst the Sorrowful

It was a typical Monday night bedtime routine. I was attempting to lead the kids through their bedtime prayers while my husband was...

First Follow-up Freakout

Let’s take a trip down memory lane, to the time of my first follow-up after attending the Creighton Model Introductory Session. This is...

A Lifetime of Honeymoons

It's no secret that when using any type of NFP, a period of abstinence is used during the fertile time of a woman’s cycle if the couple...

It's Time to Leave Your Tomb

By the grace of God, we have made it through another Lenten season. We have journeyed forty days through the desert of fasting and...

New Year, New You?

Here we meet again friends, three days into the New Year of 2023. So how are your New Year’s resolutions holding up? If you are a...

Women’s Health Truth Bomb

If you have been living in the state of Michigan for the last few months, the phrase “women’s health” has become a trigger word for many...

Blog: Blog2
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