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Where to Seek Healing

I am writing this blog (or at least beginning to write it) from the cry room of my parish’s church. After another fast and furious Monday...

Why Me? Infertility

I struggled with infertility for years due to hormonal contraceptive use, but eventually found hope and healing.

PCOS ≠ the End of your Fertility

“I have PCOS so I never will be able to have kids.” This statement, and statements similar to it, break my heart. Some women express...

A "You" Shaped Cross

This is an excerpt I wrote back in December 2022: “This comes to you after a lot of tears. And I mean a lot. Phone calls, frustration,...

Why I teach Creighton as an RN

I started to share my story a couple weeks ago. I want to share more how I started teaching Creighton as a Registered Nurse. After I...

The Independence of Tracking Your Cycle

Before starting this blog, I want to wish you a very happy Independence Day to you and your family. As I was reflecting on what a July...

Your marriage vs. Your difficult chart

Using natural methods of fertility regulation (aka, "NFP", e.g., "Creighton") makes marriages stronger. You've probably even heard some...

Navigating Estrogen Dominance

We all know estrogen is a very important hormone when it comes to the female reproductive system. But, did you know you can have too much...

Endometritis and Fertility

There are so many biomarkers that a FertilityCare practitioner can see on a client's chart. and sometimes it can seem impossible to...

My fertility journey

Everyone’s experience with NFP is unique. Women and couples seek it out for so many different reasons and usually stay with it for...

Women’s Health Truth Bomb

If you have been living in the state of Michigan for the last few months, the phrase “women’s health” has become a trigger word for many...

Blog: Blog2
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