We’ve written a lot as of late about charting in the summer time. Especially if you’re in Michigan, summer is definitely something to celebrate (might be a different story to my friends back in Florida. Good luck surviving the humidity). And the time to get tan before…you know….the time rolls around with the white, cold stuff again.
So what are we really trying to get at with all of these posts? Getting back to the basics of charting. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the details, or in the sunscreen, sunbathing, etc. that we forget the basic necessities.
Let me start with a lovely trip to the pool and then return to charting. You want a fun time with the kids and stressed about all of the details, am I right? Well, to de-stress it’s helpful to make a list of basics. Here’s what mind would be:
-floaties if needed
-snacks for when the hangriness arrives (and it will)
-towels (if there are not enough towels…2 can share, right?)
Anything beyond that is great. A cooler, something fun to drink (though for many of us, maybe this belongs in the “necessity” category ;) ), water bottles for everyone, a book for reading, etc. You get the point. All of that might make the trip more fun, and simultaneously all the more stressful while trying to get out the door.
The same applies to your chart. Chart every day, at the end of the day, your most fertile sign of the day. On a boat and forgot your observations? It may be unfortunate, but if you’re avoiding a pregnancy do your count of 3 and begin again. Keep to your observational routine. It’s been 4 hours that you’ve been out sunbathing or running around with the kids and you’re ready to get in the water? Check before and after swimming. Sure, the annoyance of finding a bathroom nearby, or the technical difficulties of none being around might cause you to need to get creative, but it’s better to just do the observation before hopping in the pool than to question whether there was a fertile sign that day. Wherever the upcoming 4th of July has you, remember to stick with your observational routine, chart at the end of the day, every day, your most fertile sign of the day, and stick to the basics with charting.