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Are You Drinking Estrogen?

Estrogen Dominance is a bit of a catch phrase in the world of women's health and fertility right now. This is because many women suffer...

The Independence of Tracking Your Cycle

Before starting this blog, I want to wish you a very happy Independence Day to you and your family. As I was reflecting on what a July...

It's Time to Leave Your Tomb

By the grace of God, we have made it through another Lenten season. We have journeyed forty days through the desert of fasting and...

Genetics and Fertility

In recent years the MTHFR (pardon my language) gene mutation has gotten a lot of notoriety in the fertility world. It turns out that...

Pregnancy after Loss

We've talked about early miscarriages, healing after miscarriage, and infertility and loss from the man's perspective. But what about the...

Beautiful & Broken

When original sin entered the world through Adam and Eve, God told Eve: "I will intensify the pangs of your childbearing; in pain shall...

Healing after Miscarriage

1 in 4 pregnancies will end in miscarriage. But the fact that miscarriages are so very common and experienced by so many women in no way...

Postpartum Depression

What is postpartum depression, and how can you recognize and treat it.

Blog: Blog2
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