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Jenny Ingles, CFCP
Nov 5, 20243 min read
Male Factor Infertility and Recurrent Miscarriage
This post discusses Male Factor Infertility and Recurrent Miscarriage - the causes and treatments.
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Natalie Klinkhammer, CFCP
Oct 22, 20243 min read
The Cycles of Infertility
I work mostly with clients walking the path of infertility. I am not really sure how this started, but these are the clients God...
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Daria Bailey, CFCP
May 7, 20245 min read
Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me?: Mental Health After Loss
"When you know so intimately what can go wrong,
it's hard to believe everything will be alright."- DOTTIE SODERSTROM
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Jenny Ingles, CFCP
Apr 23, 20245 min read
Why Me? Infertility
I struggled with infertility for years due to hormonal contraceptive use, but eventually found hope and healing.
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Natalie Klinkhammer, CFCP
Apr 8, 20243 min read
Total Eclipse of the Chart
The emotions of infertility, Creighton chart, and marriage
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Julie McKay, FCP
Apr 2, 20243 min read
Far from Easter Joy
The joy of the resurrection isn't always noticeable during suffering.
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Anna Murphy, FCP
Feb 27, 20243 min read
Our 150th Blog! Creighton isn’t just for the married folks…
“Do you mind if I ask, are you married?” asked one of my clients during a follow up. I don’t mind that question, and it’s a valid...
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Anna Murphy, FCP
Feb 6, 20242 min read
PCOS ≠ the End of your Fertility
“I have PCOS so I never will be able to have kids.” This statement, and statements similar to it, break my heart. Some women express...
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Daria Bailey, CFCP
Jan 30, 20242 min read
Do Not Trust Everything You See On The Internet, When Trying to Get Pregnant
Many women and couples come to the Creighton Model Fertility Care System to achieve a pregnancy, to find answers to why they haven't...
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Jessica Kennedy, CFCP
Nov 14, 20232 min read
Am I Ovulating if I Have a Period??
As a young lady, I believed that having a period meant that I must be ovulating and was able to get pregnant. Many women have had "the...
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Natalie Klinkhammer, CFCP
Oct 24, 20233 min read
Finding Joy Amidst the Sorrowful
It was a typical Monday night bedtime routine. I was attempting to lead the kids through their bedtime prayers while my husband was...
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Anna Murphy, FCP
Oct 10, 20233 min read
A "You" Shaped Cross
This is an excerpt I wrote back in December 2022: “This comes to you after a lot of tears. And I mean a lot. Phone calls, frustration,...
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Jenny Ingles, CFCP
Sep 19, 20234 min read
Are You Drinking Estrogen?
Estrogen Dominance is a bit of a catch phrase in the world of women's health and fertility right now. This is because many women suffer...
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Jessica Kennedy, CFCP
Sep 12, 20233 min read
Why I teach Creighton as an RN
I started to share my story a couple weeks ago. I want to share more how I started teaching Creighton as a Registered Nurse. After I...
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Julie McKay, FCP
Jul 25, 20233 min read
The sacredness of the moment
Starting to observe and chart can be overwhelming. It is can feel impossible to keep charting especially when life gets busy or something...
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Julie McKay, FCP
Jul 11, 20232 min read
Open to Life
On Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, the priest will often ask the mothers or fathers in the congregation to stand for a special blessing....
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Julie McKay, FCP
May 23, 20232 min read
Why mucus matters
The Creighton Model System is all about charting mucus. But what is mucus and why does it matter? Why do we care so much about charting...
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Anna Murphy, FCP
May 16, 20232 min read
Do I have to??
So you're finally ready to learn a method to learn more about your fertility. You're excited and also nervous. You finally receive all of...
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Daria Bailey, CFCP
May 9, 20234 min read
Navigating Estrogen Dominance
We all know estrogen is a very important hormone when it comes to the female reproductive system. But, did you know you can have too much...
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Jessica Kennedy, CFCP
Apr 18, 20232 min read
Endometritis and Fertility
There are so many biomarkers that a FertilityCare practitioner can see on a client's chart. and sometimes it can seem impossible to...
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