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Should teenagers chart their cycle?

Isn’t NFP just for engaged and married couples? It’s just for avoiding and achieving pregnancy, right? While the Creighton model can...

Healing after Miscarriage

1 in 4 pregnancies will end in miscarriage. But the fact that miscarriages are so very common and experienced by so many women in no way...

Sexual Freedom

One complaint that sometimes comes up about using Creighton Model (CrMS) is the constraints that some couples feel it places on their...

The Author of Life

As a Creighton Practitioner, we are trained to help couples to both achieve AND avoid pregnancies. As a lot of people know, Creighton has...

Getting Back to Charting

I think we can all agree, life is pretty crazy right now. There is a lot of things distracting us and taking up our time...wait is it...

"Catholic Contraception"

“Catholic contraception”, an oxymoron if ever there was one. But there are many people who use this term to define Creighton Model...

Thyroid and Fertility Part I

When a FetilityCare Practitioner or a NaPro Physician evaluates a chart there are many clues about what may be going on beneath the...

The Hard Work of Healing

While this blog can’t produce an entire exegesis about the work of healing, it can do one thing: provide help and hope, and encouragement...

On the purpose of human sexuality

Volumes have been written on this topic and a blog post can only barely scratch the surface, but hopefully this can be a first step in...

Do it Again

We’ve written a lot about women charting through different fertility problems or those who may have more difficult cases. It’s exciting...

The Balance with PCOS

What is PCOS? Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, is a hormonal condition women can get during their childbearing years. It can affect their...


“Grit is a prerequisite to a beautiful life… without grit, we stay on the surface of what is possible, without grit we miss the wisdom...

What about the men?

When I present the Introductory Session, I like to highlight that Creighton is a shared system of family planning. It’s one of the many...


Hope. Why should any woman care about the Creighton Model FertilityCare System? One of the main reasons: hope. And that is a reality....

What about someone like me?

You may be wondering what do if you have been experiencing difficulties with your cycles, menstrual flow, infertility, or serious health...

Walking Together

Years ago when I was first going through my Practitioner training, an educator said something very impactful to me that has become more...

The Beauty of the Feminine

I realize that this title might be troublesome for some. However, there is a beauty to the dignity of being a woman. A woman’s cycle and...

Blog: Blog2
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