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The sacredness of the moment

Starting to observe and chart can be overwhelming. It is can feel impossible to keep charting especially when life gets busy or something...

Why mucus matters

The Creighton Model System is all about charting mucus. But what is mucus and why does it matter? Why do we care so much about charting...

Navigating Estrogen Dominance

We all know estrogen is a very important hormone when it comes to the female reproductive system. But, did you know you can have too much...

Endometritis and Fertility

There are so many biomarkers that a FertilityCare practitioner can see on a client's chart. and sometimes it can seem impossible to...

The virtue of waiting

When it comes to waiting, there are very few things that compare to what can be the agony and anxiety induced by waiting. Having some end...

With Love, a Creighton Practitioner

I’ve had a lot of clients come to me for a number of reasons. Each with their own unique set of circumstances, each with their own unique...

Do Not Let Anxiety Control Your Charting

I am someone who unfortunately struggles with anxiety. It is been something I've dealt with since I was 15 years old. It comes and goes,...

MTHFR...Wait, What?

In this new age of technology and DNA testing which allows us to find out where our ancestors came from and even medical history...

New Year, New You?

Here we meet again friends, three days into the New Year of 2023. So how are your New Year’s resolutions holding up? If you are a...

Women’s Health Truth Bomb

If you have been living in the state of Michigan for the last few months, the phrase “women’s health” has become a trigger word for many...

Pregnant! What next?

What can you expect when you achieve a pregnancy while using Creighton Model? First, contact your practitioner! As part of our education...

The Creighton Model Has Changed My Life

I want to start this post by saying, this is no way to bash other methods of Natural Family Planning. I am simply relating to you all...

Observational Challenges Postpartum

Having a new baby is simultaneously exciting and exhausting. Charting postpartum can have its challenges. How can you fit in observations...

Blog: Blog2
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