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NFP Myth Busting

I hear quite a few myths about NFP, and as a practitioner intern, I want to counter these myths and provide accurate information about...

Rhyme and Reason to Fertility?

I've heard a million response about why FertilityCare will never work. For example: -"there is no rhyme or reason to fertility" -"my...

FertilityCare. It's Worth It.

We're all feeling the pinch of rising costs. Gas. Food. Toilet Paper. Diapers. I was down South last week and saw gas for $4.83 and...

PMS...Can I Find Relief?

I am sure when you think of PMS you think of a time, you yourself or another woman you know, when you may possibly be at your worst....

Beautiful & Broken

When original sin entered the world through Adam and Eve, God told Eve: "I will intensify the pangs of your childbearing; in pain shall...

You want me to chart WHAT?!?

I’ve clients get REALLY excited over the thought of learning about their cycles, or preparing for marriage, or just learning about their...

You asked, we answered!

We reached out on social media asking what questions you have about Creighton Model, or Natural Family Planning more broadly. Below are...

Diet and Fertility

It seems like food is a theme for Groesbeck practitioners isn’t it? What we have is a glimpse into the life and reality that a lot of our...

Stress and Your Cycle Part 2

In a previous blog post, I discussed how stress can cause double peaks. However, there are other ways that stress can affect your cycle....

Stress and Your Cycle Part 1

With the holidays coming up, you probably have a lot on your mind. Whose family are we visiting when? Will the gifts I ordered online...

Should teenagers chart their cycle?

Isn’t NFP just for engaged and married couples? It’s just for avoiding and achieving pregnancy, right? While the Creighton model can...

Healing after Miscarriage

1 in 4 pregnancies will end in miscarriage. But the fact that miscarriages are so very common and experienced by so many women in no way...


“Grit is a prerequisite to a beautiful life… without grit, we stay on the surface of what is possible, without grit we miss the wisdom...

Postpartum Depression

What is postpartum depression, and how can you recognize and treat it.

Blog: Blog2
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