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Women’s Health Truth Bomb

If you have been living in the state of Michigan for the last few months, the phrase “women’s health” has become a trigger word for many...

SPICE, part 6 (Emotional)

We have come to the end of our SPICE series, hope you have learned a new thing or two. To close out our series we are going to talk about...

SPICE, Part 4 (Creative)

This series always makes me think of "Ice, Ice, Baby" because it is so close to "SPICE, SPICE, Baby." Perhaps that's why I'm writing...

Sexual Freedom

One complaint that sometimes comes up about using Creighton Model (CrMS) is the constraints that some couples feel it places on their...


“Grit is a prerequisite to a beautiful life… without grit, we stay on the surface of what is possible, without grit we miss the wisdom...

Charting as an Engaged Couple

Many new clients that practitioners see are engaged couples. These couples may have found the Creighton Model System on their own, or it...

Why chart as a single woman?

One of the things that most people are most surprised to hear is that not all of my clients are married or engaged. And I am so happy...

Blog: Blog2
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