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Lent, suffering, and fertility

We're well into Lent now, and I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but it seems to me that life always feels a little extra "hard"...

MTHFR...Wait, What?

In this new age of technology and DNA testing which allows us to find out where our ancestors came from and even medical history...

Genetics and Fertility

In recent years the MTHFR (pardon my language) gene mutation has gotten a lot of notoriety in the fertility world. It turns out that...

Beautiful & Broken

When original sin entered the world through Adam and Eve, God told Eve: "I will intensify the pangs of your childbearing; in pain shall...

Loss and Infertility: A Man's Perspective

Infertility is not only something which hurts the hearts of women as they struggle to get pregnant or carry a pregnancy to full term. The...

You want me to chart WHAT?!?

I’ve clients get REALLY excited over the thought of learning about their cycles, or preparing for marriage, or just learning about their...

Diet and Fertility

It seems like food is a theme for Groesbeck practitioners isn’t it? What we have is a glimpse into the life and reality that a lot of our...

Holiday Blog: Gluten Free Options

As we continue the holiday fun, I am going to let you all in on a little can be gluten free and still eat yummy holiday...

Holiday Blog: Apple Crisp AIP

Oh the yummy, yummy apple crisp, how I love it so. When it comes to the Holidays and my Birthday which is just a few days away from...

Holiday Blog: Queen of Alternative Diets

I am the queen of alternative diets... according to Karoline, that is. And she’s not wrong. I can pretty much handle anyone’s dietary...

Healing after Miscarriage

1 in 4 pregnancies will end in miscarriage. But the fact that miscarriages are so very common and experienced by so many women in no way...

The Author of Life

As a Creighton Practitioner, we are trained to help couples to both achieve AND avoid pregnancies. As a lot of people know, Creighton has...

Walking Together

Years ago when I was first going through my Practitioner training, an educator said something very impactful to me that has become more...

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