While this blog can’t produce an entire exegesis about the work of healing, it can do one thing: provide help and hope, and encouragement of natural healing.
I don’t know how long or by what means this healing will come. However, God does often offer a natural means of healing, which takes time, energy, and patience in the process. Often times, this healing takes longer than we desire. Other times, I think we’re surprised by the shortness of the timeframe that we expected to heal. To serve as a disclaimer, I do not profess that any method, medication, diet, or supplement will definitely work for you, or the amount of time that it will take to heal. I do not know for sure the means that God desires to heal. What I am saying is, Creighton does provide a lot of framework, context, resources, referrals, and solutions for healing to take place.
If you’re not currently charting and are concerned about a health issue: don’t hesitate to reach out to a practitioner to ask us about how it can potentially affect what you observe on a day to day or the impact on your fertility. We’re here to help, and we have a lot of good professionals to refer to if extra care is needed. For example, if a woman has a lot of cervical mucus post peak due to cervical inflammation, we can refer you to someone who can help treat that. If there is a thyroid issue, or a suspected issue: ask us! Napro has protocols in place to help diagnose thyroid problems, and to help the impacts on your fertility. Creighton Practitioners are also trained to look for indicators such as thyroid issues on a woman's chart.
For women already charting, my advice is this: keep having patience with the process. Seek answers, yes, at the rate that you can go. There is often more healing to take place naturally that goes uncovered. It doesn’t mean that you have to place the entire world on your shoulders to figure it out, and it also doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything if you’re in the place and comfortability to receive treatment and care.
Can it feel overwhelming sometimes? Yes. Absolutely. Is it worth it? Yes, absolutely.
Don’t hesitate to contact us about how we can help!