Ladies, let’s get real for a second: periods are messy. what products do you use? What products are safe? Why are there so many to pick from? Having a period is a lot. But having one is so natural and they’re also a window into your overall health. If you've ever wondered whether your period is “normal,” you’re not alone. The truth is, “normal” looks a little different for everyone—but there are some key signs your body gives you when things are going right (or wrong). Let’s break it down.
First, What is Normal?
Your cycle is your body’s way of communicating, and when everything’s functioning as it should, here’s what you can expect:
1. Cycle Length: A healthy cycle typically lasts between 24 to 35 days. You’re not a robot, so some fluctuation is natural! Remember women can have regular, short and long cycles and it can vary from cycle to cycle. However, if your cycle is consistently shorter or longer than this, it might be worth investigating.
2. Bleeding: Normal bleeding lasts between 3 to 7 days. During this time, the flow may vary from light to moderate, with some heavier days in the mix. Expect to go through 3-6 pads or tampons a day on your heavier days. That’s all good, as long as it doesn’t feel like you’re
constantly changing products.
3. Color & Texture: Here’s where things get a little less glamorous (and kind of gross) but super important. Healthy menstrual blood can range from bright red to dark brown. Some clotting is fine (especially on heavy days), but large clots consistently could be a sign to look into.
4. Symptoms: Mild cramping, bloating, and breast tenderness are common. They should be manageable without the need to pop painkillers every few hours. If you’re downing bottles of ibuprofen, it’s a red flag.
Now, What’s Not Normal?
So, we know what a healthy period looks like. But what about when things go off track? Here are some things to watch for:
1. Extreme Bleeding (Hello, Superwoman?): Going through a pad or tampon every hour for several consecutive hours is not normal. If you feel like you’re hemorrhaging each month, this could be a sign of a condition like fibroids or endometriosis. Don’t just power through—talk to your doctor! You should never have to feel like you're dying when on your period.
2. Missing Periods: Skipping a period here and there, especially if you’re under stress, might seem like a freebie and honestly sounds so delightful. But consistent missed periods (when you're not pregnant or breastfeeding) could signal hormonal imbalances like PCOS or thyroid issues. So sadly you want your period to come (if you're not trying to get pregnant or I mean surprises are fun!).
3. Pain Level: 1000% Severe pain that stops you from doing your daily activities is not something to brush off. You are not made of steal women! It is okay to say, "ummm I'm in a lot of pain over here!". This could be a sign of underlying issues like endometriosis or adenomyosis, which require attention.
4. Spotting Between Periods: If you're seeing blood outside of your normal flow days, especially if it happens frequently, that’s worth a closer look. A lot of women experience this issue and so many of them think it's just "normal" for them. Another note about spotting. If you are having three or more days of brown spotting at the end of your period on a consistent basis, this is also not normal. These periods of spotting could be tied to hormonal imbalances, polyps, or other health concerns.
5. Drastic Changes in Your Cycle: Your period is like a monthly report card from your body, we are always hoping for an A+. But if you suddenly experience dramatic changes—like going from light to heavy bleeding or regular to irregular cycles—it’s worth tracking and seeking help. Paying attention to what your period is telling you, is so important. ignoring any of these issues could lead to worse problems down the road. Don't just push through, your period can be healthy and very regular.
How the Creighton Model Can Help
The Creighton Model Fertility Care System is all about understanding your body’s natural signs. By charting your cycle, you can easily spot when something isn’t quite right. It helps you take control, so instead of being surprised by period irregularities, you can spot patterns early and take action. This system encourages you to be an active participant in your health, making it easier to advocate for yourself when you see a doctor.
Your period is a vital sign of your health! While every woman’s cycle is unique, understanding what's normal and what’s not is key to overall wellness. The Creighton Model gives you the tools to understand and monitor your cycle, empowering you to seek help when needed.
So, embrace your period, even when it feels messy, as more than a monthly inconvenience—it’s your body’s way of telling you how it’s doing. And if anything feels off? Don’t hesitate to get it checked out!
"Ode to Aunt Flo"
Oh hey, Aunt Flo, you're back again,
You always come, but never when I plan for trips or big events,
You love to mess with my suspense.
You sneak in like a ninja swift,
With bloating, cramps—oh, what a gift!
The chocolate calls, the cravings hit,
Emotions fly, I laugh, I quit.
I try to sleep, but there you go,At 2 a.m., just gotta flow.
Hot water bottles, tea in hand,
I’m trapped in your monthly demand.
But though you drive me up the wall,
I guess you’re not the worst of all.
You’re proof that everything’s in line—
So, Aunt Flo, I guess you’re kind of fine.
Just don’t outstay your welcome, please,
I’d like my jeans to fit with ease!
But till you leave, I’ll just survive,
With chocolate in hand, I'll stay alive.
-Author Unknown